Friday, April 29, 2011



It's damn easy for girls nowadays to believe that there is someone out there who is made to suit you perfectly. Cause of all the romance novels, the movies, the drama series (addictive much), the love songs (ah yeees the love songs).

It is a bunch of LIES.
Like everything else, a relationship has to be worked upon.
You might have to sacrifice everything you are proud of...
worth it?

A relationship of any kind is hard enough to maintain.
A relationship with a boyfriend. Oh My God.

Most of the time i feel like I want to:
stay in his arms forever
stay with him forever
give him everything
strangle him
make him happy no matter what it takes
follow him
support him
kick his ass
hug him to death
kiss him
choke him

in a relationship there are so many ups and downs.
An Ego, everyone has one.
Is mine getting bigger cause of the writing competition?
Has 3.95 gotten his?

I find myself unable to "submit" to him when it comes to story writing
I feel like i already know what he has to say, he is only repeating himself (and he hates repetition)
So it's okay as long as its to me? *sigh* or is it just me?
I'm no angel, i said things so rude, so unlike me.

Honestly sometimes i wish myself dead so i dont have to face these nonsense.
i feel like i do, do it on a reeeeeally regular basis, so much so that i feel like a wimp sometimes.
but sometimes he submits too.


In a relationship, i've:
lost friends
gained a partner
lost a great deal of self confidence
been criticized
made enemies
made friends
lost more friends
lost more confidence
felt insecure
found wonderful people
lost them
gained new experiences
been frustrated
felt loved
sacrificed time
changed my personality

So why did i bother, so much was so unbearably painful, so overwhelming.
i cry not because i am sad, but because i have so much pent up emotions.

I feel so fucking dumb, i prolly am, im tired, grouchy, dumb, an idiot, suck at drawing, whiney bitch, slutty, bitchy, moodswing prone, annoying, lame, disgusting all in one.
No. No i am not.

*sigh* The things i do for the ones i love.
its a love, hate thing.
its so hard and tedious
but if for the right person, so rewarding
i believe i have the right person, sometimes...


  1. hey hey, anytime u feel down, just message me k? U must have a reason behind why u post something like this here, I'm really concerned for y =/

  2. Cheer up baby ):
    If you really believe that you have the right person, all these things will eventually be worth it. As the cliche goes, "you gain some you lose some". I hope I can help you so if there's anything, I'm here for you. And I promise not to flare up like the previous time!

  3. <3 damn i just saw this and i feel loooooved OMG, guys date me already! LOl jkjk~ Love yooou
